Adrian - yes, an entire issue of MATERIAL CULTURE (Vol. 24, No. 1, Spring
1992) was devoted to Windmills and Domestic Tankhouses.  Articles include:
-Windmills in American Agriculture, by Allen G. Noble
-The Domestic Tankhouse as Vernacular Architecture in Rural California, by
Leon S. Pitman
-Tankhouses on the High Plains of Western Kansas and Easatern Colorado, by
Robert B. Kent
-Tankhouse in Nebraska: Distribution, Construction Styles and Use, by Aaron
S. Boucher and Robert B. Kent
-Running Water in Paradise: The adoption and Diffusion of Domestic Tankhouses
in Southern Oregon's Rogue Valley, by Katie Thorsheim
-Historic Context for the Presence and Absence of Tankhouse in Ohio, by Glen
A. Harper.
Also there is:
A Field Guide to American Windmills, by Lindsay T. Baker.  University of
Oklahoma Press, 1985.
Evolution of the American Windmill: A Study in Diffusion and Modification, by
Terry G. Jordan, in  "Pioneer America" 5(2):3-12.
Windmills in Texas, by Terry G. Jordan, in "Agricultural History" 37:80-85.
The Windmill in California, by Roger S. Manning, in "Journal of the West"
Windmills and Tankhouses in California, by Roger S. Manning, Master of Arts
Thesis, University of California, Davis.
Mike Polk
Sagebrush Archaeological Consultants
Ogden, Utah