Please forgive duplications to other lists.
First Call for Papers:
Where: 23rd Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association,
Princess Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska
When: April 4-6, 1996
The meetings are being jointly hosted by the Department of Anthropology
at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Alaska Native Language Center
(UAF), Alaska Native Studies (UAF), and the University of Alaska Museum.
Symposium: Historical Archaeology of Mining-Related Sites
Co-organizers: Robin O. Mills, Peter M. Bowers
The symposium will of necessity focus upon those mining localities in the
arctic and sub-arctic, but NOT limited solely to North America.  HOWEVER,
papers focusing upon theoretical and methodological issues related to the
archaeological analysis of  mining sites will be gladly accepted
regardless of geographic locale.  Papers should have a clearly specified
research-oriented perspective, and are welcome at any research
stage (from initial project description and orientation, through final
synthesis).  The range of topics already solicited include international
demographic shifts related to mining enterprises, the analysis of natural
and cultural site formation processes from historic sites, temporal
shifts in subsistence and ecology related to the
introduction of mining activities, and the role of CRM in historic mining
sites.  Geographic locales so far include various areas throughout
interior and coastal Alaska, southern Yukon Territory, and Scotland.
Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes.
Abstracts:  must not exceed 100 words.  MUST be received by either Robin
Mills or Peter Bowers by Dec. 7, to meet a symposium deadline of Dec.
15.   Abstract format must be one computer disk copy (WordPerfect or MS
Word) and one hardcopy.  HOWEVER, these latter requirements will be
handled by Robin Mills if they are sent via e-mail to his address below.
Robin O. Mills ([log in to unmask])
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Department of Anthropology
310 Eielson Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7720
(907) 474-5885
Peter M. Bowers ([log in to unmask])
Northern Land Use Research
P.O. Box 83990
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 474-9684