I hope the following will be of interest to beekeepers on BEE-L without them
seeing it as too blatant  advertising
The first issue of an English language bee magazine, BEE BIZ for commercial
beekeepers has now  been posted world wide. Copies have been sent to 600
shareholders in Honey Corp. Australia, 300 copies to members of Bee Maid Co-op,
300 to all members of Bee Farmers in U.K., 500 copies to the largest beekeepers
in New Zealand, 40 copies sent to selected beekeepers in South Africa and 2000
copies to the largest American beekeepers.
Local editors are  Bill Winner, 38 Goondoola Street, Redbank Planes, Queensland
4301,Australia; Fran Kay  RR2 Chase, B.C. Canada; Ann Middleditch, Rock View,
North Lane, Norham, Berwick upon Tweed, U.K.; Cliff van Eaton, MAF Quality
Management, Private Bag, Tauranga, NZ.; Adriaan du Toit, PO Box 14861,
Sinoville, Pretoria 0129 S.A.; and Joe Moffett, RR3 Box 1760, Cushing, Ok 74023
The editor is Matthew Allan, B.Sc. NDB, 41 George Street, Eastleigh, Hants  SO50
9BT Fax & phone +1703 617969
Subscription for the three copies yearly is through the following local agents
Honey Corp, PO Box 66, Richlands 4077 Australia Aus$ 30, F.W. Jones, 44 Dutch
Street, Bedford, Quebec, Canada Can$20, Northern Bee Books, Scout Bottom Farm,
Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, U.K. #12, Ecroyd B.K. Supplies, 26b Sheffield
Crescent, Burnside, Christchurch, N.Z.  NZ$30, Mike Schoenveld, PO Box 811,
Cullinan 1000, South Africa  SAR 50,
I am quite happy to send by post to any BEE-L members  the first copy of Bee
Biz, if you will send your mail address.
Finally any commercial information of use to the editor on bees, honey or wax
would be appreciated by  Matthew Allan who can be contacted on
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Jeremy Burbidge     Publisher  BEE BIZ   Northern Bee Books, Scout Bottom Farm
Mytholmroyd,  Hebden Bridge,  West Yorkshire   (UK)  Phone  1422 882751   Fax
1422 886157    E-mail   [log in to unmask]