> Don,
> In a recent message you wrote:
> >
> >   John
> >
> >  It seems to me that the USDA has no facilities for virus testing, since
> > they just hired Anderson from Australia to do their virus testing recently.
> >
> > Don Tinker
> > HCR2 Box 9563
> > Keaau, HI 96749
> > [log in to unmask]
> You haven't been reading your American Bee Journals.  Drs. Hachiro Shiminuki
> and Akey Hung from the Beltsville Bee Lab with Jean Adams (whose title I do
> not know) from the Beltsville Insect Biocontrol Laboratory published an
> article on bee viruses in the October ABJ.  Earlier the Bee lab did a survey
> of bee viruses around the United States.  At our Maryland State Beekeepers
> Assn. spring meeting in April this year, Dr. Shiminuki told us that the
> Beltsville Bee Lab is one of three in the world that is qualified to identify
> bee viruses.
> So, the answer is, yes, they are qualified to do virus testing.
> Regards,
> David Morris, President
> Maryland State Beekeepers Assn.
   DAVE: U shud bee sleeping at this hour and
   not sending email. I'd be in bed except that
  I could never get on today until now, when
  U R on.  -:)
   John Iannuzzi PhD            * "Singing masons building roofs
   9772 Old Annapolis Rd        *  of gold."       --Shakespeare
   Ellicott City MD 21042 usa   *  20 Italian colonies
   [log in to unmask]   *  3-1/2 decades in beedom