Taking the chance that you'll all come to my home to tar and feather
me; I need help with an odd problem. There is a doctor here who tells
moms they must breastfeed. If they choose not to, he then takes them
aside and informs them that they are "bad" mothers. He does not educate
nor does he take personal desire into the picture. I try to encourage
these moms, but find myself frustrated. I tell them that there is no
doubt breast is best (and I discuss the problems with formula feeds),
however I also tell them that enjoying the baby is the most important
issue. Any comments or help? This is really causing problems as far as
advocating breastfeeding in my area is concerned. Also (since I've
already set myself up to be slaughtered), as much as I enjoy Lactnet, I
find it difficult to recommend to nonbreastfeeding advocates. The
stories and chitchat (as in what did your child call breastfeeding?)
only serve to give the opposition to point out how unprofessional and
"radical" we are. Okay, I'm open to the onslaught. Karen