WARNING!!!   I am about to get on my soapbox!!

I felt very compelled today to write about ads that are placed in magazines
and journals that advertise products that are produced by companies who
violate the WHO Code.  I was reading the newest edition of JOGNN and one of
the first things I see is an ad for Mead-Johnson.  I was so furious.  I
called the editor, but she wasn't in.  I then called the ad rep and she had
never heard of the Code (her response was, the FDA has approved the product
and all ads are reviewed and approved by the editors).  It is TOTALLY
unacceptable for a professional nursing organization to support such ads.  I
have written letters to the editor.  Please join in and send your letters of
outrage to the journal.  I have also written letters to American Baby
Magazine and Child Birth Planner protesting their use of these ads.  It is
unprofessional and unethical that an organization that claims to support
optimal health for women and babies fails to comply with a Code that was
designed to do just that!!!!  AWHONN has a disclaimer in the journal, but
they still allow these companies to undermine the efforts of the Code!

The address is:      AWHONN
                             700 14th St, NW
                             Suite 600
                             Washington, DC  20005-2019