A couple of years a go, a LC from Australia gave me a tip that seems to work
well for about 2/3 of the kids that will not suck after latching.  I use
this if dribbling milk over the nipple does not work.  On the baby's palm,
below the joint of the index finger, where the line crosses the palm, there
is a pressure point.  If the baby is well latched applying gentle pressure
to this point seems to make the baby start sucking about 2/3 of the time.
NEVER press hard enough to hurt the baby, in addition to not working, they
open their mouths to cry and loose the latch anyway.  There is a similar
spot on the sole of the foot, at the base of the joint of the big toe.

All the Best,

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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