Both of my girls would pat or rub their favorite side and say "num" as they
got older the first called called it numma's and the 2nd called it mumma

What was so cute that right after my 2nd got crusing about the furniture real
good, 9 or 10 months old or so (she stood up at 7 months)  When she wanted to
nurse she would drag her nursing pillow to my feet (hint - hint) and lay down
on it.  When she became a free walker-runner she would toss the pillow in my
lap and if I didn't respond fast enough she would very loudly state - yell
 NUM MOM !!!!  I must admit I am a very avid reader and get lost in my
reading world very quickly.  More than one time, she surely startled the
devil out of me.

When we were looking for a name for my company my husband suggested we call
it "Mumma Nummas Incorporated"  since this term had become so much a part of
our life the past few years.  I must admit this title holds a very special
meaning to me and it was in the running until the very end.  We chose
Breastfeeding Specialists Inc. because we figured more people would
recognise, what we do to help moms than just my family and my very special
little girls.

It still brings a tear to my eye when i think about the last time my youngest
nursed.  She was just a couple of months past age 2. She crawled up into my
lap snuggled into nursing postion patted and rubbed her favorite side a few
times said nigh-night mom and was fast asleep (too soon for mom.)  Just like
crawling, walking and everything else this little one did she just grew up to

Sorry about the trip down memory lane

Anne Norton - Krawciw RPh, IBCLC
(the LC-Pharmacist)

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