Hi, all. Sorry I am so far behind, and if someone else has answered along
the same lines as I, I humbly apologize (do you guys *live* at your
computers?). Although not from a medical background, so do not know of
more exotic things to look for to explain this mother's difficulties, it
sounds like a lot of ground was covered competently. Thus, as in other
areas of medicine, once you have checked out the physical, you should
look at the psychological (best example is bed-wetting). Becky has
presented us with a 38 year old single mother with her first baby, who
purportedly also had "no problem getting pregnant". I haven't
lived in America for a long time, and this sounds funny to me - and I
say that with no prejudice in mind, simply as a comment on societal
norms. Have things really changed *that* much? Could we be seeing a
rejection/denial process expressing itself somatically? BTW, I have asked
myself this question many times and never had a 38 yr old single mother
pI, but "only" moms who I suspected had a baby more to please parents or
to be like their peers than out of really wanting to have a baby. If
Becky knows more about this woman's background, I for one would like to
hear it - and I hasten to say that I am positive that there are many
women out there who are in their upper 30s and single and trying like mad
to have a baby.......but it still doesn't make them typical (or does it?).
Judy K. in Israel