Hi, all--
I'm in hot water at the moment with my hospital and some local OB's. I
teach the infant care class, and have always shared with parents the
wonderful period after birth when baby is "programmed" to get acquainted
with them. I talk about the alertness of a newborn, especially when
non-medicated, and encourage parents to ask that non-medically necessary
interventions and practices be delayed until after these first couple of
hours in order to optimize this bonding time. The issue at question is
eye drops; word came back to the hospital from some ob's that I am
telling parents "not to let their babies get eye drops after birth or
else the bonding time will be messed up." That's not quite how I put it,
of course, but I do explain that the erythromyacin ointment does blur
the vision and cause some swelling and tearing, and that it would seem
nicer to allow baby to use all her senses during this special time. The
OB's reactions is, "babies are blind at birth and can't see anything; it
really doesn't matter", and they are mad at me for encouraging otherwise.

Ok; I have been asked to defend this statement; (I'm surprised that they
didn't hit me on asking to delay the Vit. K shots as well; they go
together as early practices) I have Marshall Klaus's talk at ILCA on
video with all of the wonderful photos of newborns gazing into their
mom's eyes, and I have the syllabus (haven't checked it for references,
yet). Does anyone else have any references that I can add to back up my
recommendation? My job and reputation are on the line here, along with
the chance to change some unnecessarily aggressive newborn practices for
the better.

TIA, (thanks in advance)

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
