Kathleen--I agree that the mom with lots of milk six months after weaning
needs her prolactin checked.  Is she on birth control pills? these and
other meds can cause galactorrhea, but not usually in the quantity you

An additional comment about breast cancer:  In addition to the studies, I
think it is clear that the physiology makes sense.  Whether or not the
milk or the "flushing" helps (which I suspect it does), the ovarian
suppression does. Most of the other things which we know influence the
risk of breast cancer have to do with ovarian function like late first
pregnancy (or no pregnancies), etc.  I've even heard it said that women
don't get breast cancer because they have breasts, they get it because
they have ovaries.  What I call American Cultural breastfeeding (feeding
one or two babies for about 6 weeks) probably doesn't have a measurable
effect on cancer because it doesn't suppress ovarian function.  Extended
breastfeeding SHOULD reduce breast cancer risk because it reduces ovarian

Anne Montgomery, M.D.
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St.Peter Hospital Family Practice Residency
525 Lilly Road NE
Olympia, WA  98506