Fellow Netter's (Californians in particular),

Had an interesting call yesterday from a woman who introduced herself as a
lactation consultant.  We talked for a while and she wanted to know what was
happening with breastfeeding locally since she had recently moved to our
city.  We discussed the local hospitals, private practice LC's, WIC*, etc.
When she told me about her experience she said that she was trained at the
Lactation Program at ---- in Los Angeles.  She then went on to tell me that
the programed discouraged her from sitting the boards.  "In California the
---- credential is preferred over IBCLC."

Is it true that the University discourages sitting the boards?  Is a school
credential really preferred over board certification?  Is this a trend that
will be working its way across the US from the left coast?  How do the
education programs certify competence if not by IBCLC?  I have understood
that training programs are similar to other medical programs that teach one
how to do the work, but board competency must still be demonstrated before
credentials can be given.

I hope I am not opening a can of worms with this but I am interested in how
these programs work since I came in by direct entry (LLL Leader) and have
not attended training outside of conferences and seminars.

All the Best,

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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