Hi, all!  Several people have made inquiries about our involvement in the
ILCA conference in 1996.  This message is designed to bring you up-to-date
re: all those questions.

1.  Availability of t-shirts:  currently, neither K Bruce nor KG Auerbach
plans to arrange for more t-shirts.  However, if another LACTNETter would
like to take on this project, we will be happy to help you get the logo and
share what we learned about this project from this year.  Please contact K
Bruce ([log in to unmask]) if you want to take on this activity.

2. Map showing where we all are:  KGA will redo the map and will begin
asking about where people live sometime in 1996.

3. What else to place on our poster:  I am collecting the limericks people
have posted. Several show real creativity; all that I have read have
tickled my funny bone and this might be just the ticket for doing the same
for others.

Other ideas you wish me to consider will be happily received. Send them to
KGA ([log in to unmask]).

4. Business cards: nearly 1000 cards were brought to the ILCA conference
this year and ALL (including the sample stapled to the box!) were gone
before 3:30PM the first day they were available!  Ye gods and little
fishes!  Any ideas about how to assure that people don't take WADS instead
of single copies so that all people have an opportunity to learn about how
to get on?  Reply to this to KGA as well.

Have a happy day!

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC (Homewood, IL)- [log in to unmask]