At 05:25 PM 10/09/95 -0700, Paul A. Koch wrote:
>Is this the same program as Corel Draw 5 (or something like that)?  If it
>is, my husband uses that program at work and there were 2 images of
>breastfeeding women.   We saved them to disk for easy access. I don't have
>the program or book here or I would look up specifics.  If anyone wants
>details, let me know and I will have him get the info for me when he returns
>from his business trip.
>Kathy Koch
>[log in to unmask]

No, it's not the same: Corel gallery is just a CD-ROM of images and I agree
with Catherine, that there is very little there relating to mother or
family.  The only image of a pregnant woman is really awful too - flat
shoes, splay-footed and unglamorous clothes, in the middle if all the high
powered professional women.

Lesley McBurney, Australia