I figured this question would arise.  First of all, thank you for your warm
welcome!  :D     It has been my experience that bfing mothers are more than
willing to take advice from anyone who presents themselves as a professional
person who can and is willing to help them.  I never bring up the fact that I
am a male: it is obvious to them when I enter their room.  Rather, I stress
the point that I am here to help them in any way I can and I further stress
my care and concern for her family.  The only reactions I have had have been
gratitude.  I have had a client or two who admitted that they were surprised
to see I was a male nurse and bf educator, but they said they soon forgot all
about my gender.  I discuss topics in a matter-of-fact way and never show any
signs of embarrasement.  My suggestions are taken seriously.  I belive that I
bring a unique POV to the situation as I will never be able to bf {although I
recently read an article in Men's Health Magazine that discussed the
possibilities of it with drug therapy????} and I feel that this is my way
providing precious babies with mother's milk.  And yes my baby is thriving
100% on breastmilk (he was 14 lbs 1 oz at his 2 month checkup!!!).  I do feel
that LACTNET will be invaluable to me.  Once again, thank you for your