I have a pretty full file on the Parent Directed feeding programs that
are being promoted in Christian circles and wrote an article on the subject
for the FLCA newsletter.  We have discused this topic at our FLCA meeting and
see the program moving into several areas of Fl.  I had lunch at ILCA with
several LCs who had information on this program from around the country.
There was an article in Christianity Today several years ago. I have a
copyright 95 edition of this program which shows significant changes in their
breastfeeding sections, enough to make it appear credible. A giant church in
Orlando has materials in their bookstore as well as several churches holding
classes based on the program. Luckily, I volunteer in my church bookstore and
fill the shelves with attachment parenting material!
                      Debby Kearney IBCLC at Disneyworld