There was a wonderful woman I had a chance to work with who is a
dwarf and she had a baby. Her baby was also a dwarf.  This mom had
very short arms and very long, pedulous breasts.  She wasn't able to
extend her arm far enough to latch the baby on.  We tried pillows and
slings and propping and bending and all sorts of contortions, but the
only thing that worked was for her mother or husbad to latch the baby
on and support it during a feed.  Well, in her infinite wisdom, her
mother could see that breastfeeding would not last long that way, so
grandma and dad ran to the store for some formula (hee, hee) there
was no formula and there were no bottles in the house.  Alas, the
baby woke up and wanted to eat- mom was stuck- she had to figure this
out on her own.  Four hours later, her mother and husband returned
empty handed and smelling of beer and barbecue and she had figured
out how to latch the baby on herself using pillows and a cross body
transitional type hold lying down in the bed. She continued nursing
for nine months and eventually discovered other ways to latch her on
as she grew older and more competant. It's amazing how mothers can
find solutions to these problems when they are truly motivated to
breastfeed. I'm sure there are many other success stories out there
also.  Cathy Liles