Hi all!  Marilee, I got your post and must tell you that since my 2nd post, I
received several private e-mail messages and lots of support.  The baby has
been allowed back to breast by mom and is refusing all supplements by any
other method, since 8-29.  Mom's supply is down and I don't think she has
been pumping too much but she is trying to feed baby more often.   Baby does
not nurse long at one feeding.  On Tuesday, she got 35 cc at the feeding I
observed and only because of me did she offer both sides.  of course, because
I was there the infant took the 2nd side.  (Infant weighs 14 #- weight for
height is at 50%)

Would the fact that Mom is still bleeding a little about every 7 days
indicate anything?  It couldn't be retained placenta, could it. ?   She
denies any hormonal method of BC.  I think it may have something to do with
infrequent feeding during growth  spurts being intrepreted as lack of milk
 and mom's attempts to wean her, when infant refused to eat for hours , with
no pumping.  (Mom told me that she tried that 3 X)  THen maybe a pattern of
ineffective feeding started resulting in reduced milk supply.

Can you doc's think of any baby reason for this behavior?  Mom said to me
tonight that her baby is happier but "why is she so sleepy?"  I'm concerned
because wets have decreased but baby is of a good weight right now and can
stand some waiting over the weekend to see if mom's increase in feedings will
help.  Her PHN will weigh baby on Tues. again.

I was going to sign off now because I just had my first class in my four grad
school classes and my life as I now know it is over untill Dec. 15.    Please
e-mail me privately at  [log in to unmask] Thanks much.  Happy Labor day