>The baby who I thought was sensitive to protein from dairy has shown that
>this is not the case. She is a peanut butter addict.
Legumes (peas, beans, peanuts, soy, etc) might be a better place to start.
(Peanuts are not actually nuts.)  Also, you might want to ask her if baby
had a lot of hiccups during pregnancy.  I heard this tip from a tape of a
LLL of So. Cal. conference.  Session was on "the hard to breastfeed baby", I
believe it was in 1993 or 1994.  Turns out that from that LC's experience
prenatal hiccups was a fairly reliable indicator of food sensitivities.  I
have found it to be pretty consistant in my practice as well.  (I would LOVE
to see a study confirming or denying this for all you research types!)  When
you ask about the hiccups, you should get a very strong reaction, "Oh, yes,
all of the time."  If you get such a reaction, try to find out if she ate a
lot of a particular food while pregnant either because she craved it or
because she thought it was gook for the baby.  Good luck, let us know how it
all turns out.

All the Best,

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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