father to a 15 month old nursling who clearly shows the intelligence benefits
of all that breastmilk.  I started out as an LLLL 25+ years ago, went to nursing
school and then worked in hospital maternity and nursery for 13+ years.  It was
pretty bad there, but many improvements have been made.  I survived because
I somehow convinced myself that I didn't care.  When I began LC training,
I remembered that I did care and the stress became worse even though the
bfing support was getting better.  Now I am on the outside and can do as my
conscience dictates.  one of the local HMO's uses me because a pediatrition
convinced them to do so.  Other clients are self pay and are few and far
between.  I cover expenses by running a small shop out of the house where I sell
pumps,bras,cloth diapers,most of medela's stuff and a wonderful selection of
baby carriers.

My Question: A client with a possible heart defect asked about antibiotic treat
ment prior to dental work.  Her baby is now 2.5 months. Don't know exact age at
treatment date.  She was given 3000mg of amoxicillin 1 hour before and 1500 mg
6 hours after dental work.  Baby was fussy and had diarrhea.  She is enough
concerned that she is considering refusing the antibiotic with subsequent
dental work that is scheduled soon.  I advised that it was better to take the
medication.  Reminded her about the GI flora effects.  Anything else she should

Thanks.  Ruth Sweet, Verona WI