C. Genna

the problem with seldane & erythromycin and many oral antifungals. Came up
that a number of people with certain underlying (predisposing) heart
conditions when taking these meds in combination (many times with seldane at
above recommended doses, one is good 2 is better mentality) came up with some
pretty severe arrthymias (sp? - its late).  So we now have the warnings not
to take them together.

I will post the list of drugs and additional details friday pm.  I'm not at
the pharmacy today, will be friday am.

Anne Norton-Krawciw, RPh,IBCLC , Sterling Hts MI, USA
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Pharmacist by trade - LC by choice

Favorite quote on Breastfeeding - If the cavewomen did it wrong, we would not
be here, would we!!!!