I am counseling a mom who is going to Cancun for a week due to work in Oct.
She is planning to pump while there to keep up her supply, but is unsure
what to do with the pumped milk.  She might try to have the hotel freeze it
for her and use dry ice to fly it back to Philadelphia, but is unsure about
pulling this off.  If getting it back becomes too much for her to deal
with, she would like to donate it to a milk bank in Cancun.  Does anyone
know of any milk banks there, and what requirements they make for
expressing/storing milk?  (Roberta, as Mexican Milk Maid, can you help us
here?)  Does anyone have any suggestions other than dry ice on how to get
frozen EBM through a 6 hour flight and hour ride from airport to home?  We
do have until October to sort this out, but she is getting anxious already
and would like to have a plan in place soon.

Linda Volkovitsch, outside of Philly (Philadelphia)
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