
Here is the moist wound healing protocol posted last month.  We have always
recommended the same steps, for cracked or blistered nipples.  I was
confused as to when to use which type of soak after reading the post.  I
was referred to Shirley Himeback by Sarah, and she said if the wounds on
the nipple were open, bleeding or scabbed, use peroxide as this is an
oxygenating agent and gets more oxygen to the tissue, keeps it open and
allows it to heal quicker.                        Should be 1/2 water and
1/2 peroxide - if it bubbles it is too strong.  If the wounds are closed or
water blisters, use saline soaks.  Once the wounds are closed, the mom can
alternate or use whichever feels better to her.  She said she was told
about the peroxide protocol by a breast specialist at Jefferson Hospital in


1. Using small paper cups soak nipples in warm water for 5 minutes before

2. Position baby properly and carefully - well flexed football hold is
often the
        best position.
3. After nursing soak again using a solution of half warm water and half
        peroxide. DO NOT USE COMPRESSES. Use new, clean cups for each soaking.
4. Blot dry and massage expressed colostrum/breastmilk into nipple.  (Actually
        we add to let them air dry after massaging in colostrum/bm.)
5. Continue until healed.

originally posted by Sarah Barnett

I hope this helps.  I have never used the peroxide soaks, but Shirley said
they have had FABULOUS results with it.  If anyone else has used this, let
us know when you used it and how it worked!

Linda Volkovitsch, Nursing Mothers Counselor
Outside of Philadelphia PA
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