There has been interesting discussion on these topics of late.The two times I
have cried in front of my pc were both Kathy Auerbach's stories.The first
about the car accident right after ILCA and the second a few days back about
how her 17 yr. old chose her bed over his to cope during difficult times.I
also liked what dear Roberta contributed about her familial attitudes and
sleeping together.It was just a week ago I was in Florida visiting my mom.At
38, I still cherish our times in bed together and we are always touching,
holding hands,  hugging, legs intertwined or something.No big surprise my 4
1/2yr. old son loves it too and falls quickly to sleep in such a loving
atmosphere, usually touching my breast.Grandma takes my place well and he
snuggles under her arm all night when I am not there.Richard Ferber's, "Solve
your child's sleep problems" seemed to be helpful to me in my son's 2nd yr.,
but my mom picked up a copy of "The Family Bed" at a garage sale and I
realized it was more appropriate for us philosophically, even though
realistically my husband and I needed more sleep. Still looking for answers
at ILCA I purchased,"Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights"(now that baby #2 is on
way)What a delightful surprise!The forward is written by Marian Thompson,
co-founder of La Leche. The forward and the preface had me so moved. . . For
now ,wanted to share with you what a pro breastfeeding book it is and how
realistic it is.As with breastfeeing mothers, they value support most
highly.This book also supports a mother's innate drive to nurture her
infant/child in so many ways-including that sleep time.We were born to be
together, how can it be more obvious.Please check out this book and share
with your breastfeeding moms Anne Williams RN BSN IBCLC San Diego Ca..