Does anyone have any idea why nursing moms usually have such a long period of
night waking with their children?  I am a mom of two (17 months and almost
4 years).  My son is still nursing through the night and I am in
love with him and happy
to do it, but I would love a nights sleep now and then.  I am also a
Bradley childbirth teacher and almost every student I have taught is nursing
and waking up.  I look around at formula fed babies and find that they
are sleeping through the night at earlier ages.

What is it?  Are formula feeding moms doing the Ferber thing and
letting their babies scream at 6 months?

I know that breast milk is, of course, more readily absorbed.  But my
son eats all day long both breast milk and food.  It is hard for me to
imagine that hunger is really the motivating factor.

All rssponses welcome.  From someone who has been pondering one
good nights sleep now and then..