Tom Langhorne
    |  "I shall pass through this world but once.  Any good therefore,    |
    |   that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being,|
    |   let me do it now.  Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not|
    |   pass this way again."----Henry Drummond                           |
          Above you have added a statement which I'd believe was
          something you believed in, your statement about Requests fro
          info, do not support the above.
          It should not matter to what use information is to be put,
          either respond with the information requested or delete the
          request, there is no need for any debate of the subject. I
          find it odd for those with so much knowledge to withhold it
          upon request.
          I personally find withholding such information shameless on
          the part of the withholding party.  This is my opinion only
          and hope those skilled and knowledgeable will continue to
          enlighten the rest of us.