Mary Ellin,
I also feel this way. However, I think that the recent upsurge is due to a
professor suggesting to their class that they investiage sources on the
Internet (many of the requests seem to be originating from one university). I
was very disappointed to discover that one of these requests (a person I tried
to help) was looking for anything and everything on prehistoric Indians and
their architecture in the Southwest. My suggestion was that they go to their
library and use a series of keywords that I supplied to look material up with.
Unfortunately, I see this as a developing trend, given that many schools are
allowing Internet access on their online library catalogs and promoting it.
ASU is now offering Internet access in its dormitories.
I think that our only defense is to suggest that the paerson check their local
library first, or give them keywords to use, or just ignore the post if you
are too busy to help. Some of the requests are coming from people in rural
areas who do not have the same access to college or univerity libraries that
we have.
Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
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