Stained glass seems to have been used in the New Netherland: the
Albany Institute of Art has a 1656 window (from the First Reformed
Dutch Church of Albany), published in _Remembrance of Patria_, Blackburn
& Piwonka, 1988.  Ruth Piwonka has told me of a private house, with
'coloured window': if this is of interest, I will pass your address on.
In message  <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:
> Aloha from Honolulu,
> I am a grad student at the Univ of Hawaii and would like to ask about the
> use of stained glass in colonial homes in the U.S.  Is there any evidence
> that it was used, at least to some extent.  I  Am doing a paper on stained
> glass in US homes.  Would appreciate any comments.
> Thanks, Rose Mary Ruhr
> [log in to unmask]
Patricia Reynolds
Keeper of Social History, Buckinghamshire County Museum / Freelance Curator
16 Gibsons Green
MK13 7NH
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