In a recent posting, Gary M. DeBerry writes:
>I have just been in contact with the Pittsburgh, PA Boy Scout District
>and I was informed that as of Sept. 1995 the Beekeeping Merit badge was no
>longer being offered. This was as per a letter in the hand of the official
>in charge. I thought this was reversed for the time being! What has
>Also I examined the beekeeping merit badge book and it needs rewritten and
>brought up to 1995 standards. Who does this?
To bring folks up-to-date regarding the beekeeping merit badge:
The Advancement Committee will reconsider their decision to cancel the merit
badge at their meeting in early October. They need to hear how valuable the
merit badge is to Scouts and what you will do to increase the numbers of
earned merit badges.  Contact scouts and scout leaders who have been involved
with the merit badge and let them explain its value to scouts.
Write or Fax a letter to:
Mr. John Dalrymple, Director, Advancement/NESA
PO Box 152079
Irving TX  75015-2079
Tel: 214-580-2000  FAX  214-580-2502
The Beekeeping merit badge handbook has an address in the front or back that
gives the address of who to contact for corrections, etc.  When we get the
merit badge reinstated, (note the optimism) I plan to contact the BSA about
updating the book.  Additional material is needed on parasitic mites and
africanized honey bees.  What additions do others think are needed?
David Morris, President
Maryland State Beekeepers Assn.
We need to increase the merit badges earned by about 300 per year.  That is
only SIX PER STATE!  Surely we can manage that.