--Boundary (ID ZVk/vcdWum2L1eFW2mO7wA)
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--Boundary (ID ZVk/vcdWum2L1eFW2mO7wA)
Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 08:35:00 PDT
From: Wendy Lewis <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: bee allergies
To: [log in to unmask]
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
Posting-date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 08:36:00 PDT
Importance: normal
A1-type: MAIL
    I tried sending this note a few days ago, but was
    unsuccessful.  Here it is again!
    Wendy Lewis
--Boundary (ID ZVk/vcdWum2L1eFW2mO7wA)
Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 08:49:00 PDT
From: Wendy Lewis <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: bee sting allergies
To: [log in to unmask]
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
Posting-date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 13:25:00 PDT
Importance: normal
A1-type: MAIL
    Hi all,
    As a hobbyist beekeeper who suffers from pollen allergies
    and from severe reactions to bee stings, I'd like to share
    some personal observations with you. I have been
    undergoing immunotherapy for my pollen allergies, with
    very good results. But for bee stings, my allergist (who
    understands my need to keep bees) prefers not to proceed
    with bee venom immunotherapy unless her patients have
    exhibited symptoms of anaphylactic reaction (drop in blood
    pressure, itching throat, hives, problems with breathing).
    Luckily, my symptoms are only severe swelling and intense
    itching at the sting site.  The tricky thing too, with bee
    stings, is that it is possible for someone who has not
    shown prior anaphylactic symptoms with stings, all of a
    sudden to become hyperreactive.  It might be on account of
    this that some allergists are reluctant to proceed with
    bee venom immunotherapy.  I say, find yourself an
    allergist who will support your decision to keep bees, get
    a prescription for and carry an Epi-Pen insect sting kit
    with you and ALWAYS work with another beekeeper. And keep
    on keeping bees!
    Wendy Lewis
    Mission Viejo, California
--Boundary (ID ZVk/vcdWum2L1eFW2mO7wA)--