Allen Dick writes, regarding leaving Apistan strips in a hive beyond label
> Do people just temporarily subscribe to this list to ask the same question
> that has been covered in detail a short while previously?
> Where are we going wrong. Do we need a FAQ?  Would anyone read it?
    I believe we could use a FAQ that actually contains some of these threads.
The only beekeeping FAQ of which I'm aware is merely a pointer to other sources
of information, rather than  a source itself.  I _hope_ new readers follow the
standard advice to read the FAQ first; it's just that they don't get their
questions answered in the sci.agriculture.beekeeping FAQ as it currently exists.
Anybody willing to compile one that tracks some of recent threads?
John E. Taylor III     W3ZID     | "The opinions expressed are those of the
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]      | writer and not of Rohm and Haas Company."