>I use Hydrogen Peroxide to
>help purify and settle some of the contaminates.  This works well but
>doesn't really bleach it...like the color of cappings during a strong
>flow.  Does any one know of a good home remedy to bleach bees wax?
    Hydrogen peroxide can be obtained from chemical supply houses in a
strength of 32% (the normal stuff is only 3%).  Diluted to some
intermediate concentration, or possibly even used straight, it should do
a much better job of bleaching than the 3% solution.  A bit of
experimentation should help you get it right (start weak and work up in
    CAUTION - 32% hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer, and it affects
skin by turning it a leprous white and causing it to slough off.  Wear
gloves and goggles and handle it _very_ carefully.
John E. Taylor III     W3ZID | "The opinions expressed are those of the
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]  | writer and not of Rohm and Haas Company."