> Baby nurses every 2-3 hrs. for long time but hasn't pooped but once since
>home and isn't peeing that she can tell!

The fact the baby has not stooled concerns me.  The fact that mom sees no
urine doesn't surprise me a bit.  I see lots of moms who do not know how to
tell if the diaper is wet.  I usually encourage the mom to 1) put a piece of
tissue in the diaper if it feels wet and she sees no color then the baby is
wetting well, 2) have her switch to cloth for 24 hours to see if diaper are
wet, OR 3) switch to a brand of diaper sold in the Phoenix market called
F---i *diaper has balloons with happy faces on them - the happy faces
disappear when the diaper is wet*.  I also explain to them how absorbent
diapers are now and it is not unusual to find the diaper does not feel wet.

>Said she had trouble nursing in the beginning (latch on) but hospital LC
>helped her. Sore nipples (sounding like typical new mom prob.)  Said she sees
>suck/swallow pattern, noting about 6 sucks then swallow but she can express
>her milk and feels a let down.  Not on meds.  Baby doesn't exhibit any of the
>dehydration signs I asked her about (skin tone, lethargy)

If the mom is very concerned and doesn't want to use ABM (Artificial Baby
Milk for the one who asked recently), how about using a good intermittant
action pump for a feed or two and feed it to the baby in a cup spoon or
dropper?  Or less invasive yet, how about using an accurate elecrtonic scale
and weighing the baby before and after (JHL refers to this as 'test
weights', I prefer the term "incremental weights' when talking to the moms,
tests can be failed).

Six sucks and only one swallow coupled with sore nipples screams attachment
problem to me though.  Perhaps if she can be seen and evaluated, this could
be ruled out.  It could be her milk supply is heavy enough that the baby has
just enough not to be severely dehydrated, but still not enough to pee.
Good going telling her to see the pediatrician, it could be this baby has
other problems than breastfeeding.  Good luck.

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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