One of Nursing Mothers' widely circulated pieces of handout literature
states that breastfeeding has a protective effect against cancer of the
breast and cervix.  It has been pointed out to me recently that nowhere else
is cancer of the cervix mentioned, yet certainly ovarian cancer is.
A search by the Lactation Resource Centre turned up only one study on
breastfeeding and cervical cancer which seemed to show a protective effect,
but after adjustment for number of sexual partners, age of first sexual
intercourse, duration of oral contraceptive use and smoking, did not reach
statistical significance.
My theory is that the word "cervix" was a misprint and should have read "ovary".
Before I start taking drastic steps to alter the handout, can anyone tell me
of any other research into breastfeeding and cancer of the cervix?

Lesley McBurney, Convenor, Publications Unit, Nursing Mothers' Association
of Australia.