I came across a copy of Tightwad Gazette by amy dacyczyn, at the
library; published in 1992.  There is an item in it regarding 'How to
save on baby formula' and goes on about how to make your own formula with:
        2 12-oz cans evaporated milk
        32 oz water
        2 tbsp Karo syrup
        3ml Poly Vi Sol Vitamins

        She states she called the AAP for advice and basically was told
'we were raised on it and turned out ok"; she also supposedly spoke with
3 other nutritionists, one being from WIC...she goes on to say that the
nutritionists "felt concerned over preparation of homemade formula" but
she felt that "If a parent were highly conscientious this need not be a
factor, but incorrect mixing could be a problem.....the same argument
could be made about mixing powdered commercial formula.
        She states the 'experts' pointed out that other budget cuts
should come first(instead of using homemade formula) but the impression
from the item suggests that Ms Dacyczyn is in favor of make-your own!
She says "While experts frequently disagree, and new evidence always
comes along, we should not discount the opinions of those who have
studied the question for years."  This sentence follows the discussion
that one 'expert' describes his theory that 'we were raised on it and
turned out ok; my children look healthy so I must be doing something right."
        There is a brief commentary regarding breastfeeding buried toward
the end (Breastfeeding is still the best option for feeding infants from
a nutritional and economic standpoint. A breastfeeding mother needs an
additional 2 cups of milk per day, which costs about a quarter.  If you
are having difficulty, call your local chapter or LLL for help.
Statistically only about 10% of mothers are physically unable to
breastfeed their infants.  The remainder of mothers who use formula do so
by choice or because of problems with work schedules.
        Also stated was "some of the nutritionists feel that babies who
eat a well balanced diet of solid food twice a day can be switched to a
homemade formula, and some pediatricians may approve whole milk around
eight months."

        A response followed from a reader suggesting that the author note
in her estimate of expenses for the formula-fed babies the increased
medical expenses, as "artificially fed infants are treated by their
doctor 3 times as often as breast-fed infants.....In their first year,
only 25% of breastfed infants were brought to their doctor for illness,
while 97% of artificially fed infants needed medical treatment."
        The author responds by saying that she felt more formula fed
infants were in daycare and that the increased medical expenses were due
to germs passed on in daycare..."This may account for some of the higher
incidence of illness of the formula-fed infants."
        There is an address to which you can write and 'share your
successes', and in this case, point out the innaccuracies of Ms
Dacyczyn's advice...lord knows how many babies have been harmed by her
ill-researched advice!  Imagine skimping on infant nutrition to save
enough money for a pair of designer shoes!
        Since she has a newsletter Tightwad Gazette run from her home,
I'd imagine that would also be a good place to write to her and demand
that she publish a retraction of this advice!
        Publisher's address:
        Villard Books
        201 East 50th Street
        34th floor, JDTWG
        New York, New York 10022

        Newsletter (home?) address:
        The Tightwad Gazette
        RR1 Box 3570
        Leeds, ME 04263

        I havve recently seen this woman on the Donahue show so I'm
pretty sure she's still actively promoting her book.
        If at least a few of us write and let our concerns be known
perhaps her publisher will edit this item out of future books and the
author will replace it with the wonderous virtues of breastfeeding and
all the money-saving bonuses that come with it!!!!