Hi everyone
After two changes of server and a visit to Melbourne (the other side of Australia) for two
great breastfeeding conferences, I'm at last back on Lactnet (serious withdrawal fixed just
in time!!). It was also great to put some faces to names of fellow Aussie lactnetters.
After catching up on several weeks of messages, it has occured to me that the area of lactation
is one part of the 'health scene' that is being approached from the right direction. With most
'health' issues, women and consumers have had to fight to get a look-in - eg obstetrics.
At least with breastfeeding, we (as women and consumers) have lead the way in providing
support and information to eachother, and the 'health institutions' are now joining with
us, rather than us trying to get in on their 'patch'. I know that the progress is slow, and
often frustrating, but just seeing the eagerness to support eachother, the willingness to share
ideas and information, and the way that we all reach out to work together for a 'common
good' is just wonderful. As a doctor, I'm  used to the 'don't step on my area of expertise'
style of medicine, and find the way that all of us involved and interested in lactation issues
work together is terrific.

Also, to raise a smile, I had a mother of an 11 month old call me today because her child
had bitten her during a feed. She wanted to know if she would need a tetanus shot!!! (we must
breed wild babies in Australia!!).

Fiona Coombes
Family Physician, IBCLC, NMAA Breastfeeding Counsellor
Perth   Western Australia