Has this mother got a white spot on her nipple? We find that skin overgrowth
of a duct opening on the nipple is the usual reason for the scenario you
describe, Anne. We talk to her about breaking the offending skin with a
flamed needle point or otherwise breaking the skin - sometimes just getting
under the shower to soften the skin then hand expressing from that side is
enough to fix it. And GREAT relief ensues, after feeding or expressing/
pumping the breast. Also soaking the breast in warm Epsom's Salt solution
for about ten to fifteen minutes will help relieve the tissue oedema. (But
ask her to wash this off the breast before feeding or expressing the milk.)
If this does not resolve the lumpy area, we then send them off for
ultrasound treatment, which does!

Anne Bovey and Robyn Noble, Brisbane, Australia

(PS We liked Shirley Gross's words on this case too!)