How sad that you had to deal with all that.  Unfortunatley I think that these
are the attitudes of most of the American pulblic in general.  I see many
moms in tears and not knowing if they should wean or plunge ahead because of
family pressure.  If only we could change the way people feel about BF!  I
know we're all trying and sometimes I just get so frustrated.  I don't
understand how a person can "hear" all the advantages about breast milk and
yet still think that breastfeeding is gross, takes too much time, that
formula must be better because it's manufactured to be better, etc.  Several
times I've been at gatherings where someone mentions that I am a LLL Leader
and the discussion turns to breastfeeding.  So many moms say they tried to
breastfeed but their milk never came in, baby wouldn't take the breast or it
hurt too much and they gave up.  Someone always mentions the items in the
news about how babies have died or have been disabled because mom had no
milk.  No one ever knows why this happened, they never know about the gross
missmanagement of breastfeeding leading to these events.  No one ever
mentions any of the positive information that has been in the news or
magazines.  I guess we'll just have to change society one mom at a time and
hope each of those moms can touch other moms.  It's a slow proccess isn't it?
 I guess I've vented enough for now!  Hang in there Janet!  Take heart in the
fact that you are making a difference.
I"ll be away from the computer for a while since I'm in Virginia Beach and
Felix is on it's way.  Be back as soon as I can safely plug my computer back