Has anyone had any experience with orange-colored milk?  Mom
delivered baby Friday, August 11--her second (breastfed the first,
also).  Her milk is "in" and she describes it as orange sherbert color.
When baby spits up it is orange.  It stains her clothes orange when she
leaks.  The milk does not smell odd and baby drinks it readily.  The
baby's stools are not orange--they are yellow and seedy, but they have a
strong, unpleasant odor.  Mom takes prenatal vitamins and says her diet
is normal--not a lot of a particular food.  She's concerned and I have
not come across anything quite like this.  Any ideas??

Ruth DeRosa, IBCLC and LLL Leader

Anthony M. DeRosa                             Tony DeRosa
Thomas S. Wootton High School                 628 Biggs Avenue
2100 Wootton Parkway                          Frederick, MD  21702
Rockville, MD  20850                          (301) 663-0273
(301) 279-8587
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