
  My, my, my....you do find the right examples to get your point across!

Even *I* found myself crossing my legs and squirming a bit when I read your
suggestion to your dr. friend....and I don't even have a penis!


(Kathleen wrote)

>Breast binding still occurs in lots of places. Old advice that refuses to die.
>One (male) ob whom I knew well (not in the Biblical sense!) and I had a
>nice chat about this practive over lunch one day.
>After he mentioned quite casually that he saw nothing wrong with the
>practice, I asked if he would consider the following practice:  having a
>fully erectic penis and then binding it tightly to his leg and leaving it
>there for 3 days.
>His eyes got big and I detected movement below the table that he crossed
>his legs (very revealing body language, wouldn't you say?).
>"Well, uh, I don't think that would be all that comfortabel."
>"Thank you," I replied.
>NOne of his patients thereafter mentioned that he had suggested binding!
>(I think I got through to him).
>I do NOT recommend this approach when you are conversing with OBs/FPs who
>you do not know well.  But if you have a good working relationship with
>them, you might try some variant on the same theme.
>The above example falls into the category of "get 'em where they live," I