Terry L. Dise says :

"   One last thing, before I stop.  I really strongly
believe that our society not breastfeeding our children has a lot to do with
all this violence, hatred, drug use, women hatred that goes on in our
society today.  If people just breastfed their kids and nurtured them
appropriately, I just don't think alot of these terrible things would be
happening in our society as much.  Whew!  I really could be labeled a
"NIPPLE NAZI" for that statement.  Thanks for listening, y'all.

Terry Lynn Dise, MD
[log in to unmask]"

Terry, I have felt this way for a long time. I feel that much of the unrest,
the violence, the drug abuse and alcohol abuse..the need for addiction...the
need for thrills...and the lack of family cohesiveness comes from the fact
that children are NOT breastfed either at all, or long enough. No one gets
what they need , well, very few..get what they need as infants. When these
needs don't get met, they come back to haunt us through out our lifetime.

Kathleen Bruce..trying to make her little corner of Vermont (maybe just my
own household) a cozier and safer spot.

Kathleen B. Bruce RN,  BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet,  E-Mail = [log in to unmask]
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html