Hi all. I have been notified of one member's feelings concerning reactionary
statements made here on Lactnet.  There is some concern that people are
offended when statements about entire populations are made.

" Also when someone states their point of view, which is different
that someone elses, and then gets lamblasted for it, it may make other
members of the listserve "lurk" rather than get into a constructive
discussion. "

We do not encourage anyone to be reactionary, or rude in their comments.
This is stated in our welcome remarks. We DO however, encourage people to
state their viewpoints. Everyone is entitled to theirs, and some are pretty
strong. I myself can be very radical and reactionary..and I get tired of the
bull&^%t that goes on in our world with regard to bf.

However, please take this as a gentle reminder to all who feel strongly.
State your strong feelings, and feel free to vent here, respectfully. Please
PLEASE do not LURK.  Please ..everyone ...share in this vital discussion. IT
is very important that we all are able to state our feelings..in a
respectful way to each other. Lactnet is for constructive discussions..and
if sometimes they get passionate, that is ok..as long as no one group is
slurred, etc. We have respect for all professions...doctors,
lawyers...lcs...rns...rds..etc. Thanks.

Kathleen B.

Kathleen B. Bruce RN,  BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet,  E-Mail = [log in to unmask]
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html