Hello all. I am a trained peer breastfeeding counselor for a
Nursing Mothers group outside of Philadelphia.  I am fairly new to Lactnet
and have found it quite addicting so far.  Your inquiries and comments are
often things I have thought or felt myself.  It is great to find others so
concerned with and dedicated to breastfeeding!
        I wanted to ask about the moist wound healing protocol posted by
Sarah Barnett.  It involves soaking in warm water before nursing and
soaking in a peroxide solution afterwards.  I have heard of, and used, the
soaks but used a saline solution (1/2 t dissolved in 8 oz boinling water,
then cooled) rather than the peroxide solution.  Is one better than the
other?  Do they accomplish the same or different things?  Please fill me
        I enjoy reading all the comments and am excited to become an
"active" member of such a wonderful group of people.

        Linda Volkovitsch
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