On Sun, 6 Aug 1995, Terry Lynn Dise, MD wrote:

> Judy K in Israel:  I don't know of certain foods mom is eating that will
> make the baby poo,  but if a mom thinks something works, I encourage her.
> First though, I try to reassure her that long intervals between poos is not
> necessarily bad, as long as baby's happy.  My record in my practice is 14
> days in an exclusively BF baby.  Any one else have a story to beat that?  I
> had a time convincing the parents she was OK.  They wanted to see a
> gastroenterologist (ha! just kidding--I felt like teasing Maryelle)...

Thanks for your input, Terry! Just among us, this is what I really think
too. The moms seemed dissatisfied (cheated? I do not take a fee) when I
told them that the poop-acceptability range (boy, we do use some strange
terminology here!) was very large. I used my kids vs my neices and
nephews as examples - my kids pooped 9 or 10 times a day, and my
brother's kids once a week, maybe. (All babies were bf, of course) Still,
the moms weren't happy and wanted to *do something*. So I figured that
telling them to eat more dried fruits, etc. could not hurt and quite possibly
would help. Even psychologically. Anyhow, glad to hear from you. Judy K.
in Israel