Fellow zealots, I have two questions for you
What's the current word on hepatitis C positive mothers and breastfeeding?  I
checked in Ruth Lawrences newest book and I was surprised to see her advising
against BF with hepatitis C.  I have also  related the information I received
from the ILCA confernce that says it's OK.  Does anyone know of the most
current lit on this subject
Question #2  I have a client who is having a very difficult time with her
active, curious,  8 month old baby who has deceided to have a nursing strike.
 This happened right after the baby bit the mom who responded with a reflex
mild bop on the head.  We've been working with baby for the last 5 days or so
with much holding, skin to skin, baths, no force to nurse, and quiet relaxed
environment.  The mom of course feels awful.  Baby is taking EBM from a sippy
cup, she does use a pacifyer, mom does not want to do night sleeping with
baby but is willing to try just about anything.  Any brilliant ideas out
there for a nursing strike and also how long can this last?

Linda Rosetti RN, IBCLC [log in to unmask]
Clarkston, Wa.
Clarkston, Wa.