
I'm impressed as anything that you are able to get extra hospital time approved
for babies that are not feeding.  Must be a difference in states, or doctor's
assertiveness, because that's not what happens here.  The standard answer we
seem to get when we've approached the insurance company is that if baby is
unable to breastfeed, then give it a bottle.  Occasionally we've gotten an extra
day approved for a baby that's a preemie or has some other medical problem that
can be documented, but then mom gets discharged.  Never have any of them allowed
mom & baby to remain together.  We've also had it go the other way--a mom with
medical problems who has to stay but her nursing baby is forced to be
discharged.  It's a crazy world here in my part of Wisconsin.

Becky Krumwiede, RN, IBCLC
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