Laura Aldag asked a question about the use of a tube feeding device and its
degree of baby-friendliness.  This depends--as with all devices--on the
degre of expertise with the device of the person recommending its use and
how much instruction has been provided to themother to whom it is
recommended.  I personally will NOT sell such a device to someone wtihout
careful instruction and practice in its use.Just the other day, a mother
begged me to sell her one. I did so ONLY because she promised she would go
to a local hospital to get "free" help from the LCs there. I know the
people she was speaking of, but could not guarantee that she would do so.
I did indicate how lack of instruction has often resulted in worsening a
situation when mother did not understand completely how to use the device
or tell if it was doing the necessary job.  (Her baby looked terrible when
she stopped by , but I felt I could not do anything about that in light of
her refusal to have me instruct her.)

The mothers with whom I hasve used such a device have, in the great
majority, found it to be helpful. Not every mother, however, is a good
candidate for its use. This too needs to be assessed.

I too have used the bathing with baby technique and found it tremendously
useful. When mothers appear (by body language) or verbally express concern
about safety, I urge that husband, boyfriend or some other adult be on hand
when she is in the tub with baby to observe and assist if necessary. In
none of these cases has there been a problem.

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]