I keep thinking about the mom mentioned earlier (sorry I can't remember
who brought her up) who is nursing (or was it planning to nurse) her
second child and is thinking of tandem nursing the first child, who was
bottle fed as an infant and has had a lot of illnesses.

Someone else mentioned not hearing of a baby learning to switch from
bottle to breast past a few months.  I agree BUT this could be a
different scenerio.  With an older child, it might not be a switch as
much as a whole new thing.  They can learn new things, especially if
they want to.  If the mom knew #1)not to pressure the child and #2)good
management (like wait for mature milk, get the infant well established
first) and presented it as a fun and "yummy" option to the older child,
well, maybe.... s/he would go for it.

I think it would be a healing thing for the mother as well as the
toddler.  If the toddler didn't want to nurse directly and the mother
feels strongly that she wants to give him or her breast milk, there is
always the option of pumping some.  Heck, it could even be jazzed up
with a little strawberry syrup.  I wouldn't freeze it into popsicles
though, too many valuable immunities lost that way.

Just a thought,
Carla (north of Washington, DC)