> 2. lead in breastmilk

>  On Wed, 9 Aug 1995 Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
>  wrote in response to Cathy Liles question on lead in breastmilk:

> Lead in a large atom.  As far as I know, it is not excreted into
> breastmilk. Your mom should be safe to bf, though the effect on a fetus
> would be another story.

Hi Cathy Liles & Catherine Genna,
Your question & response sent me to the books as lead poisoning is such a
chronic health problem.  I remembered reading about change in "safe" levels
and then checked Dr. Hale's Meds & Mother's Milk (1994).  I hope he will reply
 to your question.  I can't answer but I did find that:

Lead does pass into breastmilk at about the same amount as
in mother's blood.  From his book (p. 129) I conclude that mothers
who have been contaminated with lead should not breastfeed.  Yet I wonder,
 does this mean "not at all or temporary interruption?" if interrupted,
 how long must mother pump and discard milk?

AAP (1994) mentions "possible neurotoxicity" and cite two references, one
titled "Lead in milk & infant blood:a dose-response model"  (Arch Environ
Health 1985;40:283.  Dr. Hale states permissible levels of lead (CDC) have
dropped significantly in past 10 years (from 25ug/dl to < 10ug/dl).

Lawrence (1994) states lead levels higher in baby than mother, and higher
still in formula (p.743) but because it binds with protein not much gets
into milk.

Now, I'm confused, and you have more questions stimulated by your original,
 important question!
Martha Pitzer, RN, PhD, CLE
Columbus, Ohio
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