><snip discussion of solids>
>Apple Juice-
>I wanted to add my $.02 on this topic.  I think we need to take a
>step back and look at this issue. Apple juice in moderate quantities,
>especially if given in a cup is probably not "bad" for a baby who has
>started on other foods.  It is certainly better than coke, koolade,
>gatorade or beer which is also spotted in baby bottles. Large
>quantities or regular use of articial nipples for feeding are more
>worrisome. It is not the product itself which is the problem, but the
>way in which it is promoted and used. It worries me to think about
>being associated with an anti-applejuice movement.
>Cathy Liles
Cathy, I believe I may have started this thread with my post about a bottle
of apple juice that had a picture of a baby bottle on the label, with the
words "Good for Baby, Too!" on the picture.  The point of my post (and of my
letter to the FDA) was not that apple juice is bad stuff in and of itself,
but that the promotion of it in a way that could be misunderstood to
encourage giving it to very young babies was dangerous.  Hey, I even bought
the apple juice in order to copy the label, and everyone in my house is
happily drinking it in moderation.

Rachael Hamlet